Terra Serpentes
Terraristik ist mehr als nur ein Hobby

My snakes

I started years ago with Boa c. Imperator keeping, but i specialized over the years more and more on Boa constrictor constrictor and other supspecies like Amarali (bolivian Boa) and Occidentalis (argentin boa). Moreover i keep and breed some pure Pythons like Python molurus Pimbura. 

I don't breed every locality every year, because of the health of the snakes. For a long life over 20 years it is nessesary to give a breeding courple some rests and breed just every second or every third year. It even has the effect that the babys are stronger and very health.

I keep and breed:

  • Boa c. c. Suriname (wild caught line F1)
  • Boa c. c. british Guyana (wild caught line F3)
  • Boa c. c. Trinidad (no Stöckl, no Trudehope, wild caught line F1)
  • Boa c. c. Brazil (Bessette line, the grandparents are from Vin Russo)
  • Boa c. Occidentalis (Bonny / Progscha line , this line was at first imported by Spellbring in the 1980's)
  • Boa c. Sabogae (Rich Ihle line)
  • Boa c. i. Costa Rica (farming import, Robert Meindinger, World of Snake Zoo in Costa Rica)
  • Boa c. i. Crawl Cay (Bonny line, farming import from 1999, F2)
  • Boa c. i. Cay Caulker (parents are from Vin Russo)
  • Boa c. i. Tarahumara (grandparents are from Vin Russo)
  • Python m. Pimbura (late zoo import, because in Sri Lanka wild caughts are forbidden since 1970's, execpt for zoo's)

And i hope for breeding success in the future from my other snake.

  • Boa c. Amarali (pure Joe Terry line)
  • Boa c. c. Peru (in two line, highend gold line and european Trummer line)
  • Morelia s. s. Spilota (Diamantpython rare 100% pure blood, extreamly rare)